Exam season again? Too many school and college assignments?
After hours of studying at school or college, you still have to take lessons or work on assignments until the evening. When you get home, you study for tomorrow's exam with a tired body condition and miss the warmth of the mattress and blanket.
Picture : Pexels
Learning activities like this become your daily routine. Is it effective? The answer is clearly ineffective. Forcing yourself to study in a tired state and an unhappy mood will cause saturation in the brain so that you will not absorb lessons properly and optimally.
According to cognitive learning theory, the learning process must be carried out effectively and efficiently by considering one's intellectual abilities, so that it can produce a response or learning stimulus that can increase motivation, belief and mental processes. So it can be concluded that a good learning process is learning in a fun way.
Everyone must have a style, technique and way of learning that suits their individual comfort. Comfort is the first step to being able to focus and enjoy learning. Next is to apply learning techniques that are fun, effective and efficient. How to?
1. Learn without being chased by time.
An example of learning that is being chased by time is the Overnight Speed System (SKS). You don't pay in installments, and finally when the exam time comes, you'll catch up with all the study materials in one night. Of course this will not work and you will only feel tired.
Make sure you study without being chased by time so that the learning process feels more fun. Get in the habit of adapting the concept of "learning installments" to be able to understand and understand the topic of the lesson better. When you repay the learning process, you have more time to explore references from the Internet, books, or even discuss with lecturers and friends.
2. Study briefly and often
Studying for hours does not make you understand more about the topic being studied. Get used to studying in short portions of time, but you do it often. Reread your notebooks and homework for you to learn. Do this between classes, on your way to campus or on your way home.
Short study will prevent you from brain cramps. Brain cramps are moments where our brains are no longer able to accommodate additional information to remember due to the fast learning system overnight. By dividing your study time, you will be more relaxed and will not be burdened with exam materials or overcrowded assignments.
3. Using the Pomodoro technique
If you are someone who likes to learn on your own, the Pomodoro technique is for you. Pomodoro is a learning technique based on time management that was created by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. Francesco discovered this technique when he had difficulty focusing on studying, and finally he realized that he had to study at certain time intervals and was given a break so that he remained fresh while studying
When you apply the Pomodoro technique, don't focus on time. Relax and don't panic if the topic you're studying is taking a long time to understand. The essence of the Pomodoro technique is not how quickly you complete a topic or task in one time interval, but in giving a break. Techniques like this are called spaced learning, which are more effective at getting concepts and learning material into the brain.
4. Using the Feynman technique
The Feynman technique is a learning technique by ostensibly teaching it to others in a simple and easy-to-understand way. This technique was created by the famous physicist, Richard Philip Feynman, and was first introduced in the biographical book “Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman” written by James Gleick in 1993.
If you are the type of person who likes to learn by "practicing" or interacting with other people, this Feynman technique is suitable for you to implement. There are 5 steps in the Feynman technique:
-Choose and study a topic.
-Teach the topic in simple and lay language to others.
-Check which parts are still not right or you have not mastered.
-Study and understand the section.
-Re-teach the topic in simple and lay language to others.
The essence of the Feynman technique is to learn and understand in simple and concise concepts. If you can explain a difficult topic such as Mathematics, Physics, or Chemistry to another person and he or she understands your explanation, it means that you have mastered the concept well.
Like the famous quote from Albert Einstein which reads "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
Practice learning techniques according to your comfort and ability. Don't forget to have enough quality sleep by avoiding staying up late or studying at night. During the exam period, take 15-30 minutes each day to do light exercise. Hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine that appear after exercise can make you more "happy" so that it is beneficial for learning patterns. The mind becomes fresher and the learning material is easier for you to digest.
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